Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The "Magic Pullet" for Household Food Security: CLUCK Red Deer Pilot Project Approved!

Kudos to CLUCK Red Deer & to Red Deer City Council for their respect for fact, science and due process.

Cluck Red Deer

100's of North American communities are tackling the issue of enhanced local food systems and Household Food Security, with a variety of tactics and strategies, all of which have focused primarily on awareness & education, a CLUCK principle. Some have been successful in their respective communities, while the same logical and intelligent tactic has met with fierce opposition in others. There has been no "magic pullet" when it comes to urban hens, urban ag, local food systems, the right to food or household food security. Red Deer has  made a significant breakthrough with the approval of the 12 month pilot project. This is good governance, where fact, science and due process have stature over fear and fabrication. Hopefully the same standard will prevail in court during the Canadian Right to Food Trial. 

Join the growing CLUCK network and start a chapter in your community.

From Adrienne Tetz, founder of CLUCK Red Deer:
City council decided this afternoon to go forward with a 12 month urban chicken pilot project consisting of current chicken owners and their flocks. In 12 months time council has directed administration to present a report summarizing the project as well as a proposed chicken bylaw. This will not be part of the land use bylaw; we understand that it will be presented as a bylaw on its own under Animal Control (just like the dog and cat bylaws).

If you have questions about this project, whether you can take part, or anything else, please contact us through this page or at CLUCK.RedDeer [at] gmail [dot] com

CLUCK Red Deer on FB

CLUCK Canada on FB

1 comment:

  1. Stress is a form of terrorism that infiltrates and attacks our hearts and minds and the effectiveness of our organizations. It's an assassin waiting to strike at our Resiliency. Unfortunately the full significance and seriousness of stress is misunderstood and under valued. We use the word indiscriminately, and can't seem to connect the dots.

    Red Dot Security
